Rest stations provide respite for outdoor workers

Free tea and bottles of water are being distributed to outdoor workers at the city's 50 rest stations to help them beat the summer heat and enjoy a break, under a public welfare program launched by the Shanghai General Trade Union.

The program, targeting sanitation workers, traffic police, construction workers, and express and meal delivery workers, will last until the end of August.

Fu Wenguang, an express delivery worker who has been working in the industry for 16 years, is a frequent visitor to a rest station on Jiaozhou Road in Jing'an District.

"The rest station offers a respite for workers like us as we can have some water and take a break here," he said. "There is air-conditioning and a microwave oven to heat up my lunch."

Fu delivers more than 200 parcels daily in the summer time.

"The station even has a reading bar and it enriches my lunch break as I like reading."

The union said more than 40,000 ice lollies had been delivered to outdoor workers this summer and another program in which dining vans would go into industrial parks and office buildings to deliver meals would be launched in mid-August.